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UK ECONOMY: Autumn Statement 2023: Chancellor Hunt to deliver his Autumn Statement – IFS Analysis via PR Voice

UK ECONOMY:  Autumn Statement 2023: Chancellor Hunt to deliver his Autumn Statement – IFS Analysis via PR Voice
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Daily Geopolitical PR  

16th November 2023  

Autumn Statement 2023: IFS analysis 

23 November | 10:30 – 12:00 | Online, via Slido and YouTube

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt will present his Autumn Statement on Wednesday 22nd November. With a general election on the horizon, a UK record tax burden looming, and borrowing this year on course to be lower than forecast in March, the pressure for tax cuts is strong. However, inflation and interest rates remain relatively high, and the public finances are in a considerably worse state than expected in March 2022, let alone prior to the pandemic, posing difficult challenges.

IFS researchers will present their initial analysis of the Chancellor’s announcements on the following day, Thursday 23rd November, at an online webinar.

Image Credit: Simon Walker / No10 Downing Street Open Government License 3

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