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DAILY GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: The Geopolitical News Roundup & Analysis for Thursday, 16th November 2023

Thursday, 16th November 2023

DAILY GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: The Geopolitical News Roundup & Analysis for Thursday, 16th November 2023
GEÓ Insights Curated By Iain Fraser – Associate Publisher GEÓ
Daily Geopolitical Insights

GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: Good Morning from the GEÓ Newsroom in Gibraltar. Geopolitical Insights for Thursday, 16th November 2023 curated By Iain Fraser, Associate Publisher GEÓ – including:

1. CHINA/US – U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping have had their first meeting in five years but both seizing the opportunity to open dialogue under the guide of the APEC Summit in San Francisco which started yesterday. Both leaders have agreed on many fronts and agreed to open a channel for direct dialogue between the two Presidents.  Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox /… #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics #XiJinping #APEC2023 #ChinaUS #ChinaUSRelations 

2. ISRAEL/HAMAS WAR – Following Israel’s raid on the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza all eyes are on Israel´s proof of a Hamas Command Centre under the Hospital. Israel has said very clearly that it found such a Hamas nerve cell or “operational centre” at Al-Shifa the hospital, sharing images of what it said were Hamas weapons and equipment. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox /… #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics #IsraelHamasWar #AlShifa #Hamas

3. GLOBAL ECONOMIES/JAPAN – Trade figures from the far-east indicate that Japan´s Export Growth grew for the second month in a row but still at a lower pace than previously forecast. Weak exports have scuppered Japan’s efforts to spur economic growth predominantly due to the slowing of China bound exports, specifically steel and chips. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox /… #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics #JapanEconomy

4. GLOBAL ECONOMIES/CHINA –  Asian stocks have fallen in response to the latest Trade Figures from China confirming its Economy is in prolonged weakness. The Data released earlier this week showed China’s industrial and retail sectors making a comeback however a sharp drop in property investment and weak home prices suggest persistent problems. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox /… #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics #ChinaEconomy


Image Credit: White House


  • About Iain FRASER

    Gibraltar based Accredited Geopolitical Journalist, Associate Publisher of GEÓ (GEOPoliticalMatters.com) Industry Influencer & Commentator, Authority Writer & Corporate Lecturer on all aspects of Geopolitics specialising in Cybersecurity (Inc Cryptocurrency Awareness) Defence 2.0 & Terrorism Threat Management and Best Practice Compliance & Mitigation. Contact Iain at [email protected]

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