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GEOPOLITICAL NEWS: Putin – Biden Summit, Both parties laud positive talks – Analysis

GEOPOLITICAL NEWS: Putin – Biden Summit, Both parties laud positive talks – Analysis
By GEO´ Newsteam – Gibraltar
Geopolitical News/Regime

AP – The much anticipated summit between US President Joe Biden and Russian Federation premier Vladimir Putin took place yesterday in Geneva, Switzerland.
The meeting has been described as cordial by both parties and while many important issues were broached little was agreed, having said that early reports suggest the meeting provided for a much needed ice-breaker between the two super-powers whose relationship in recent months had deteriorated
Both the White House and Kremlin had set low expectations going into the summit. They issued a joint statement after the conclusion that said their meeting showed the “practical work our two countries can do to advance our mutual interests and also benefit the world.”
But over and over, Biden defaulted to “we’ll find out” when assessing whether their discussions about nuclear power, cybersecurity and other thorny issues will pay off.
U.S. President Joe Biden and Russia’s Vladimir Putin exchanged cordial words and plotted modest steps on arms control and diplomacy but emerged from their much-anticipated Swiss summit Wednesday largely where they started — with deep differences on human rights, cyberattacks, election interference and more. But their three hours of talks on the shores of Lake Geneva left both men standing firmly in the same positions they had started in.
In the after summit the US President said he made clear to Mr Putin that if Russia crossed certain red lines — including going after major American infrastructure — his administration would respond and “the consequences of that would be devastating.”
The two leaders reached an important, but hardly relationship-changing agreement to return their chief diplomats to Moscow and Washington after they were called home as the relationship deteriorated in recent months. And Biden and Putin agreed to start working on a plan to solidify their countries’ last remaining treaty limiting nuclear weapons.
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