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NATO: Ukraine is key to Euro-Atlantic security – Review

NATO: Ukraine is key to Euro-Atlantic security – Review By Iain Fraser – GEOPoliticalMatters.com European News & Media Centre Málaga Google Indexed at 07:18 on 090720 An independent and sovereign Ukraine is key to Euro-Atlantic security writes Florian Encke in today’s [09/07/2020] NATO Review.
NATO: Ukraine is key to Euro-Atlantic security - Review
Her article focuses on Russia’s aggressive actions against Ukraine have seriously undermined Euro-Atlantic security. Ukraine has engaged constructively towards a settlement. But the key for the normalisation of relations between NATO, Russia and Ukraine remains Russia’s recognition of Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. Sanctions relief in the absence of significant moves would undermine the West’s credibility and risk further destabilisation. She goes on to say that there are voices in the West advocating for new pragmatism in dealing with Moscow. While some may be doing so out of an interest to return to normal business relations with Russia. Some may be motivated by an understandable concern about the risks posed by the reinforced military activity. Others may believe that compromises are necessary because Russia is needed to resolve many other challenges and crises facing global security. Read the full article About NATO Review NATO Review is a free online magazine offering expert opinion, analysis and debate on a broad range of security issues. It looks at different aspects of NATO’s role in today’s fast-changing and unpredictable security environment. It also covers wider challenges, such as cyberattacks, hybrid warfare, the impact of social media, the security implications of climate change and scarcity of resources, and the need to strengthen the role of women in peace and security. Most important is that what is published in NATO Review does not necessarily represent the official position or policy of member governments, or of NATO. The magazine has existed for over 60 years and still holds to the task given to it all those years ago – which is to ‘contribute to a constructive discussion of Euro-Atlantic security issues’.


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