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GEOPOLITICS: China, US – A new Cold War? The Geopolitics of COVID-19

GEOPOLITICS: China, US – A new Cold War? The Geopolitics of COVID-19
PRChannel Team – GEOPoliticalMatters.com
European News & Media Centre Málaga

GEOPOLITICS: China, US – A new Cold War? The Geopolitics of COVID-19
Webcast – Date: Thursday, 16 July 2020 @ 11 – 12:00 p.m.

GEOPOLITICS: China, US - A new Cold War? The Geopolitics of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed US-China relations to their lowest point in decades.  Deep differences over trade, foreign policy and values have been sharpened amid increasingly hostile rhetoric. What is driving these developments and do they signal the dawn of a new Cold War?

How is the pandemic and China’s “wolf warrior” diplomacy shaping the geopolitical contest in Asia?  What impact are US and Chinese actions and rivalry having on other countries in the Indo-Pacific? And how should Australia best advance its interests amid deteriorating US-China ties, growing strategic competition and a polarising response to the call for an independent inquiry into COVID-19? Click Here for the full programme or Email: [email protected]


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