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BREXIT: ‘Long way to go’ as UK edges ever closer to crashing out of EU

BREXIT: ‘Long way to go’ as UK edges ever closer to crashing out of EU  
By: Newsdesk Team
City of London Newsroom

UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has thrown down the gauntlet to MPs, telling them to either back any deal he brings back from Brussels or admit they are trying to stop Brexit.

At the start of a pivotal week, maybe the most pivotal ever, ‌in UK Politics, the Prime Minister told his in Cabinet in a conference call there was still a ‘long way to go’ to hammer out an agreement.

Mr Johnson is hoping to put the agreement to a vote of MPs this weekend as the Commons sits on a Saturday for the first time since the Falklands War. But he faces the threat of a rebel plot to hijack legislation so that any deal is subject to approval in a second referendum.

In a briefing to his Cabinet colleagues, yesterday, Mr Johnson said if MPs who are against No Deal now oppose his new deal they will be ‘exposing their true aim of wanting to stop Brexit altogether’.

Meanwhile, BoJo “groupie” and well know sycophant, Jacob Rees-Mogg said in a televised interview with Sky News‘s Sophy Ridge on Sunday, that Leave supporters could have confidence Mr Johnson would not give too much ground to Brussels.

When pushed, Mr Rees-Mogg even suggested that he may even have to ‘eat my words’ and support a customs plan close to one put forward by Mrs May, which he once called ‘completely cretinous’.

With just days to go before the deadline for Boris Johnson to clinch a last-ditch Brexit deal in Brussels, the Queen will on Monday set out his government’s priorities for a new session of parliament, including 22 new bills.

Meanwhile, supporters of a second referendum yesterday claimed they were close to having enough support to push through an amendment making any deal subject to a ‘confirmatory’ public vote, however, the idea of a fresh EU referendum was narrowly rejected by MPs in April by 292 votes to 280.


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