Home » GEÓ Latest Geopolitical News » NO FLY ZONES – Chinese drone manufacturer DJI deploys Geofencing system

NO FLY ZONES – Chinese drone manufacturer DJI deploys Geofencing system

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The Chinese drone manufacturer DJI is deploying an advanced system in 32 European countries designed to prevent drones entering airport flight-paths. The Chinese firm says that its state of the art “geofencing” will be implemented into drones’ GPS systems, using complex shapes and three-dimensional “bow tie” zones around runways.

The announcement comes on the back of the massive disruption to the UK´s Gatwick airport.DJI will apply its Geospatial Environment Online (GEO) 2.0 system to 19 new countries, in addition to the 13 that already had existing “geofencing” systems in place.


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