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CORONAVIRUS – China deploys draconian measures in attempt to control Coronavirus

China deploys draconian measures in attempt to control Coronavirus
By: GEO´ NewsTeam
London News Room

The death toll from the new Coronavirus now stands at 106 [at time of posting] as cases of new infections have almost doubled in a day, Chinese authorities confirmed this morning, bringing the number of total confirmed cases in China up to 4,515 [at time of posting] up from 2,835 a day earlier.

In a veiled attempt to quell the virus China has adopted some seriously draconian measures Travel restrictions have been tightened and wearing masks in public is now mandatory in some cities.In the last 24 hours Beijing and Shanghai have introduced a 14-day observation period for people arriving from Hubei Authorities have postponed the new semester for schools and universities nationwide, without giving a resumption date.

The outbreak of the virus comes during the Lunar New Year celebration which usually sees millions travel across the country to visit relatives and friends. In response to that China Railway Group said would suspends hundreds of train lines throughout the country and the immigration administration is encouraging citizens to reconsider the timing of overseas travel to reduce cross-border movement.

China is generally not having a great time of it, the aftermath of the HK demonstrations, now the Coronavirus, just where did China go wrong? Commercially things are no better with things are hotting up in the UK 5G selection with unconfirmed reports suggesting that the UK has taken US advice seriously and is about to drop Chinese “megafone” firm Huawei from the roll out of its 5G network. The decision – due to be made at a meeting of the National Security Council
later – involves balancing complex technical risks with geopolitics and costs
to the economy.


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