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Key European Players gravely concerned about by Iran’s Uranium enrichment programme. By David Matthews

Key European Players gravely concerned about by Iran’s Uranium enrichment programme. 
By David Matthews – Climate & Energy Correspondent Gibraltar (Remote)
Several key European players including Germany, France and the newly Brexiled United Kingdom have collectively condemned Iran’s uranium enrichment program to 20% and pleaded with Tehran to reverse its ambitions.
They have told Iran that its programme will have a “serious negative effect” and wholly undermines commitment to preserve the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) Under the (JCPOA), the 2015 deal set out to curb Iran’s nuclear development in return for eased sanctions, however the country was permitted to reach enrichment levels of 3.67 percent a normal enrichment for industrial usage.
Tehran first breached this restriction in 2018 after US President Donald Trump pulled out of the agreement, and last week UN inspectors confirmed that Iran had begun enriching to 20 percent at its Fordow nuclear plant … Read Full Story Log In | Register
Image Credit: Tasnim News Agency
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