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VIRTUAL EVENT: Protecting EU citizens’ rights after Brexit: the view from the Independent Monitoring Authority – Friday 14 May 2021

VIRTUAL EVENT: Protecting EU citizens’ rights after Brexit: the view from the Independent Monitoring Authority
By PRChannel Team – Gibraltar
Friday 14 May 2021, 13:00 – 14:00
This is a live online event. Please do not travel to the Institute.

The future of EU citizens living in the UK was one of the big sticking points of the Brexit talks. In the 2019 Withdrawal Agreement, the UK agreed to establish an Independent Monitoring Authority to oversee the protections of the rights of EU citizens living in the UK before the end of the transition period.
What are the IMA’s priorities? 
What are its concerns? 
What progress has been made and what are the key challenges ahead?
Five months after the IMA’s launch, and with the 30 June deadline for EU citizens to register for settled, or pre-settled, status fast approaching, the IfG is pleased to welcome the new IMA chair and members of its senior team for a wide-ranging discussion on the IMA’s vital role.
The event will be joined by:
Sir Ashley Fox, Chair of the Independent Monitoring Authority
Kate Chamberlain, Chief Executive of the Independent Monitoring Authority
Pam Everett, Director of Operational Delivery at the Independent Monitoring Authority
Rhys Davies, General Counsel at the Independent Monitoring Authority  
The event will be chaired by Jill Rutter, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Government
There will be the opportunity for audience questions during the event via the questions and answers panel option.
NB: This event will take place using Microsoft Teams Live Events and you can watch it via the livestream button above using the Teams app. If you do not have the Teams app, you can watch the event on your browser. You must use a laptop – you will need to select ‘watch on the web instead’. Please note: Safari is not supported. Please use Chrome or Edge. If you want to watch the event on a mobile or iPad, you must have the Teams app.
About Institute for Government
The Institute for Government is the leading think tank working to make government more effective.
The Institute for Government provides rigorous research and analysis, topical commentary and public events to explore the key challenges facing government. They offer a space for discussion and fresh thinking to help senior politicians and civil servants think differently and bring about change.
The Institute is a registered charity in England and Wales (No.1123926) with cross-party governance. Our main funder is the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, one of the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts. 


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