Home » GEÓ Latest Threat Intelligence » ENERGY/CYBERSECURITY: Oil & gas Sector Cybersecurity threat level expected to rise sharply

ENERGY/CYBERSECURITY: Oil & gas Sector Cybersecurity threat level expected to rise sharply

Image Credit: JPenrose/Pixabay

Monday, 26 August 2024 – 07:07 CEST

LATEST THREAT INTEL: Energy/Cybersecurity 
GEÓ Intel: Written & Curated By GEÓ NewsTeam
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ENERGY/CYBERSECURITY: Oil & Gas sector Cybersecurity threat level expected to rise sharply – Cyberattacks are a growing threat for the international Oil & Gas sector predominantly driven by an unholy alliance of bad Geopolitical optics and Cybercriminals eyeing bigger fish – much bigger fish!

Recent published data reveals that, despite a 35% decline in references of Cybersecurity in global Oil and Gas company filings in Q2 2024 compared to the previous quarter, Analysts predict refences for the full year will substantially outstrip the decline.

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