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DAILY GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: The Geopolitical News Roundup & Analysis for Wednesday, 29th November 2023

Wednesday, 29th November 2023

DAILY GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: The Geopolitical News Roundup & Analysis for Wednesday, 29th November 2023
GEÓ Insights Curated By Iain Fraser – Associate Publisher GEÓ
Daily Geopolitical Insights

GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: Good Morning from the GEÓ Newsroom in Gibraltar. Geopolitical Insights for Wednesday, 29th November 2023 curated By Iain Fraser, Associate Publisher GEÓ – including:

1. CHINA ECONOMY – China´s already beleaguered Economy is prompting extraordinary measures to shore up its finances. Local Governments have been corralled into issuing “Special Bonds” raising some $21bn to inject capital into struggling smaller banks in an effort to to contain spill over risks from a deepening property crisis and a sputtering economy. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEOInsights #GEOAnalysis#Geopolitics ##ChinaNews #ChinaEconomy

2. ISRAEL-HAMAS “TRUCE” – With the extended truce deadline looming diplomatic efforts are seeking a further extension. Both Hamas and Israel released more hostages and prisoners under terms of a fragile cease-fire that held for a sixth day as Qatari mediators work behind the scenes to extend the truce.  Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEOInsights #GEOAnalysis #Geopolitics #IsraelHamasTruce  #HostageRelease #PrisonerSwap #CeasefireNOW

3. PYONYANG – North Korea is reported to have rekindled its “special economic zone”, the pariah states experiment in limited capitalism – the Rason Special Economic Zone appears to be the blueprint of the isolated country’s growing cooperation with its new bosom buddy Russia, including possible shipments of arms for the war in Ukraine.  Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics ##NKorea #PyongYang #KimPutin 

4. ENERGY/RENEWABLES – Search Supremo´s Google have announced a new geothermal electricity project could be a milestone for clean energy announcing on the Google Blog that the project is a first-of-its-kind geothermal project is now operational has already started pumping carbon-free electricity onto the Nevada grid to power Google data centres.  Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics #Google #RenewableEnergy#Geothermal 

Image Credit: N509FZ CC3.0


  • About Iain FRASER

    Gibraltar based Accredited Geopolitical Journalist, Associate Publisher of GEÓ (GEOPoliticalMatters.com) Industry Influencer & Commentator, Authority Writer & Corporate Lecturer on all aspects of Geopolitics specialising in Cybersecurity (Inc Cryptocurrency Awareness) Defence 2.0 & Terrorism Threat Management and Best Practice Compliance & Mitigation. Contact Iain at [email protected]

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