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DAILY GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: The Geopolitical News Roundup & Analysis for Thursday, 23rd November 2023

Thursday, 23rd November 2023

DAILY GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: The Geopolitical News Roundup & Analysis for Thursday, 23rd November 2023
GEÓ Insights Curated By Iain Fraser – Associate Publisher GEÓ
Daily Geopolitical Insights

GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: Good Morning from the GEÓ Newsroom in Gibraltar. Geopolitical Insights for Thursday, 23rd November 2023 curated By Iain Fraser, Associate Publisher GEÓ – including:

1. WORLD HEALTH/CHINA CHILD PNEUMONIA SCARE – The WHO (World Health Organisation) has formally requested data from China after worrying reports by ProMed reported “clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia spreading among children in northern China” Chinese authorities have attributed a spike in flu-like illnesses to the lifting of strict Covid measures. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics#WHO#China #Pneumonia 

2. UK ECONOMY/AUTUMN STATEMENT – British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt has delivered his Autumn Statement (Budget) alongside an updated economic forecast from the Office for Budget responsibility. While Corporation Tax remains unchanged higher inflation has boosted tax revenues so the Chancellor decided to cut taxes. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics ##UKEconomy #JeremyHunt #TaxCuts

3. NETHERLANS ELECTIONS – According to the latest exit poll, far-right, anti-Islamist Geert Wilders is heading toward a massive parliamentary election causing one of biggest political upsets in the Netherlands since the second world war putting him in-line to form a coalition with a view to becoming Prime Minister. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics #NLElections #GeertWilders

4. ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR – Unsurprisingly the much lauded ceasefire and ensuing prisoner swap has been delayed from today until “at least” tomorrow in a process where diplomacy appeared to be winning the uphill slog for an agreement, however this delay has ominous undertones and the Geopolitical media will be anxiously awaiting the first prisoner swap. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics #Israel #Hamas #HostageSwap  

Daily Geopolitical Insights


  • About Iain FRASER

    Gibraltar based Accredited Geopolitical Journalist, Associate Publisher of GEÓ (GEOPoliticalMatters.com) Industry Influencer & Commentator, Authority Writer & Corporate Lecturer on all aspects of Geopolitics specialising in Cybersecurity (Inc Cryptocurrency Awareness) Defence 2.0 & Terrorism Threat Management and Best Practice Compliance & Mitigation. Contact Iain at [email protected]

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