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DAILY GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: The Geopolitical News Roundup & Analysis for Tuesday, 14th November 2023

DAILY GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: The Geopolitical News Roundup & Analysis for Tuesday, 14th November 2023
GEÓ Insights Curated By Iain Fraser – Associate Publisher GEÓ
Daily Geopolitical Insights

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Tuesday, 14th November 2023

GEOPOLITICAL INSIGHTS: Good Morning from the GEÓ Newsroom in Gibraltar. Geopolitical Insights for Tuesday, 14th November 2023 curated By Iain Fraser, Associate Publisher GEÓ – including:

1. ISRAEL – HAMAS WAR As the UN requests for immediate international action to end hospital attacks and with the talk of “war crimes” over Israels hospital bombing, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is damned if he continues with this highly aggressive stance toward Hamas and damned if he doesnt. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox /… #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics #Gaza #IsraelWarCrimes

2. IRAN – The Gaza war could very easy escalate with various Iran-backed military factions weighing up when, not if, to directly assist Hamas amid the total onslaught by Israel. Ultimately Iran could determine how far the Israel-Hamas war spreads. Hezbollah has issued a “false flag” statement indicating that the shia military group was supportive of Hamas. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics  #HezbollahTerrorists 

3. CHINA ECONOMY – China´s economy has been taking a belting since Covid manifest in soaring inflation, surging interest rates, coupled with violent Geopolitical conflicts in Ukraine and now Gaza. The global economy is expected to grow a lackluster 3% this year and 2.9% in 2024, according to the International Monetary Fund. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics #ChinaEconomy 

4. UKRAINE/RUSSIA – A Ukraine military spokesman has said that fighting around eastern Ukraine town Avdivka had intensified with Moscow’s military intensifying air bombardments and trying to move forward with ground forces. The spokesman also said that Russias had suffered heavy losses around the city. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics #UkraineWar

5. LORD SNOOTY BACK – In a surprise move UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak used the “guise” of a cabinet reshuffle to bow to peer pressure and off his Home Secretary Suella Braverman replacing her with Foreign Secretary James Cleverely considered by most as a safe pair of hands – however the shock was the return of former Prime Minister David Cameron. Learn More with GEO Analysis direct to your inbox #GEO_Insights #Geopolitics #BravermanOut #CameronReturns

Image Credit: Hadi Mohammad/Fars Creative Commons Attribution 4.0


  • About Iain FRASER

    Gibraltar based Accredited Geopolitical Journalist, Associate Publisher of GEÓ (GEOPoliticalMatters.com) Industry Influencer & Commentator, Authority Writer & Corporate Lecturer on all aspects of Geopolitics specialising in Cybersecurity (Inc Cryptocurrency Awareness) Defence 2.0 & Terrorism Threat Management and Best Practice Compliance & Mitigation. Contact Iain at [email protected]

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