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NATO: Defence spending: sustaining the effort in the long-term

NATO: Defence spending: sustaining the effort in the long-term
6th July 2023
The issue of the appropriate level of defence spending for each NATO Ally is as old as NATO itself. It touches upon two core debates for the Allies. First, as NATO’s mission is to ensure the security of the Euro-Atlantic area, defence spending supports the ability of Allies to preserve peace and to deter all threats, at all times.
Defence spending, therefore, needs to be well aligned with the security environment – but how much is enough? Second, defence spending is greatly connected to the debate on burden sharing. European Allies and Canada are, often rightfully, criticised by the United States for not carrying their fair share of the collective-defence burden. In this context, how much is enough for each Ally?
The profound degradation of the security environment since the illegal annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in 2014 has renewed the burden-sharing debate amongst Allies. The issue has become even more acute since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, which demonstrated that the risk of a major conflict involving a nuclear armed potential adversary was not as remote as many had hoped.
The 2014 “Defence Investment Pledge” (DIP) – made by Allies at the 2014 Wales Summit, the first NATO summit held after the illegal annexation of Crimea – established an important baseline by setting the goal of at least 2% of GDP spent on defence by all Allies as a political commitment agreed at the level of Heads of State and Government. As a result of the DIP, European Allies and Canada have invested an extra USD 350 billion since 2014, with eight consecutive years of increased defence spending. Learn More /…
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NATO: Defence spending: sustaining the effort in the long-term
NATO Article By: Camille Grand
Syndicated By: GEÓ PRWire Team – Gibraltar


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