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AI: AI Risk Management and Responsible AI Tactics – Dataiku on GEO´

AI: AI Risk Management and Responsible AI Tactics – Dataiku on GEO´
Syndicated By: GEO´ PRWire Team – Gibraltar
6th June 2023
Want to improve real-world AI/ML system outcomes for organizations, consumers, and the public? Presented By Patrick Hall, BNH.AI and Triveni Gandhi, Dataiku
June 21, 2023 Time 11 a.m. ET
In this fireside chat featuring Patrick Hall, one of the authors of the O’Reilly book “Machine Learning for High-Risk Applications: Approaches to Responsible AI,” discover helpful concepts from the book related to model governance and how to succeed with high-risk ML. Learn More /…
About Dataiku – Everyday AI, Extraordinary People
Dataiku is the world’s leading platform for Everyday AI, systematising the use of data for exceptional business results. Organisations that use Dataiku elevate their people (whether technical and working in code or on the business side and low- or no-code) to extraordinary, arming them with the ability to make better day-to-day decisions with data. Learn More /…
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