Home » GEÓ Latest Geopolitical News » GARTNER: CIO Agenda 2023 – The leadership, organizational and technology priorities CIOs must address in 2023

GARTNER: CIO Agenda 2023 – The leadership, organizational and technology priorities CIOs must address in 2023

GARTNER: CIO Agenda 2023 – The leadership, organizational and technology priorities CIOs must address in 2023
Syndicated By: GEOPoliticalMatters.com/PRWire – Gibraltar
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4 Actions to Ensure Your Tech Investments Pay Digital Dividends
The Gartner CIO survey, which surveys more than 2,000 IT executives on current business practices, shows that although CIOs and other technology executives are tasked with delivering on increased digital technology investments, few are supplying the digital dividends senior leadership expects.
  • Discover the four actions you can take to accelerate impact
  • Understand where you are and how to move forward
  • Develop an action plan to meet CEO expectations
  • Accelerate your impact and deliver the digital dividends that your senior leadership expects
Dive deeper into the 2023 CIO Agenda with key priorities and tech spending trends from CIOs in your industry. Learn More /…
CIO Agenda 2023 - The leadership, organizational and technology priorities CIOs


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