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UN: Landmine toll still high amid concerns over COVID-19 impact on clearance efforts

UN: Landmine toll still high amid concerns over COVID-19 impact on clearance efforts By Iain Fraser – Defence & Security Correspondent www.GEOPoliticalMatters.com
Thousands of people continue to be killed and injured every year by landmines and explosive weapons in conflicts around the world, while the COVID-19 pandemic has forced mine-clearance efforts to be scaled back, a  UN-backed civil society report on the issue said on Thursday.
According to the Landmine Monitor 2020, more than 80 per cent of the world – 164 countries – have adopted the Mine Ban Treaty 23 years after it was drafted and signed, and most of the 33 countries that are not bound by it, comply nonetheless.
Despite this achievement, long-running conflicts continue to cause mainly civilian casualties, while other dangers requiring action include the new use of improvised landmines by non-State armed groups and a decrease in global mine action assistance. For 2019, “we recorded about 2,200 people killed of those 5,545 casualties overall”, said Loren Persi, Landmine Monitor 2020 Impact research team leader from The International Campaign to Ban Landmines/Cluster Munition Coalition (ICBL-CMC), at a virtual press conference moderated by the UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) in Geneva. Mr. Persi added that the ratio of people killed to injured, indicated very clearly “that there were many, many more casualties and that people who were injured by landmines and explosive remnants of war are not being recorded adequately in many countries where there are conflicts”. Young lives shattered Most casualties are civilians, in part because they lack the access to emergency assistance that military targets have at their disposal, and men make up more than eight in 10 victims, journalists heard. “Seven years ago, we reached an all-time low in new landmine casualties”, said Mr. Persi. “But this achievement has overturned, and we are seeing heightened numbers of civilians killed and wounded. Appallingly, nearly half of all these casualties are children. We need to act now to reverse this trend, to save lives, and to address the trauma and suffering with much needed assistance.” Although landmine awareness-raising schemes are a proven way of keeping communities safe, accidents involving civilians are frequently linked to the need to work or find food, said Ruth Bottomley, Monitor research specialist and expert on contamination, clearance and risk education. Her comments coincide with data from the Monitor showing that 2019 also saw a reduction in global funding for mine action, with 45 donors and affected States contributing approximately $650 million, a seven per cent decrease from 2018. Paying price for risk-taking “Men have always been one of the hardest groups for us education operators to reach, partly because they are often away from home and out of the community”, focusing on making a living, she said. “But also because those livelihood activities often take them into mined areas, so for example through agriculture, forestry, hunting; and they are also more likely to take intentional risks.” Despite some improvements in providing services for victims of landmines –  improvised or not – or unexploded ordnance by some States Parties, the Monitor noted that “accessibility gaps remained in all countries”.

About Iain Fraser

Geopolitical Journalist & Risk Analyst based in Málaga City, Spain. Currently interim CIO at Argus News Group and Editor at GEOPoliticalMatters.com as well as being an authority contributor to many leading websites and magazines across the Defence, Cybercrime & European Political sectors. More at https://iainfraserjournalist.blogspot.com or on LinkedIn

Image Credit: Mary Wareham  


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