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NATIONAL SECURITY: HUAWEI – Parliamentary inquiry claims Clear Evidence of Collusion

NATIONAL SECURITY: HUAWEI – Parliamentary inquiry claims Clear Evidence of Collusion By Iain Fraser – Defence & Security Journalist www.GEOPoliticalMatters.com A parliamentary inquiry by the House of Commons defence committee has confirmed that there is “clear evidence of collusion” between Huawei and the “Chinese Communist Party apparatus The inquiry concluded that the government needs to bring forward the deadline already set for the Chinese firm´s 5G equipment to totally removed from the UKs 5G Network. This, the latest in a serious of allegations poses a further challenge to its business model. Huawei invested heavily in their technology and are still seeking a return on that investment, While their options in the UK are now limited, they have changed focus and are now touting their 5G telecoms infrastructure to other parts of Europe and beyond. “It is clear that Huawei is strongly linked to the Chinese state and the Chinese Communist Party, despite its statements to the contrary,” The House of Commons defence committee based its findings on the testimony of academics, cyber-security experts and telecom industry insiders although Huawei’s executives did not testify, however, they did appear before a separate parliament committee in July. The report cites a venture capitalist who claimed the Chinese government “had financed the growth of Huawei with some $75bn [£57bn] over the past three years”, which allowed it to sell its hardware at a “ridiculously low price point”. It is also alleged that Huawei had “engaged in a variety of intelligence, security, and intellectual property activities” despite its repeated denials. Huawei has responded by saying “this report lacks credibility as it is built on opinion rather than fact”. “We’re sure people will see through these accusations of collusion and remember instead what Huawei has delivered for Britain over the past 20 years”


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