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PANDEMIC LOOMING: MPOX A Clear & Present Danger – NOT History repeating itself!

Image Credit: NIAID/Under CC 2.0
Image Credit: NIAID/Under CC 2.0

Friday, 16 August 2024

LATEST GEOPOLITICAL INTEL: PANDEMIC LOOMING MPOX – A Clear & Present Danger. Is this history repeating itself? 
GEÓ Intel: Written & Curated By GEÓ NewsTeam
First for Geopolitical Intel

PANDEMIC LOOMING: MPOX A Clear & Present Danger – Is this history repeating itself? I remember when we were first passed intelligence about Covid back in early December 2019, many dispelled it the early reporting as “scare-mongering” we were even accused of using Covid as “click-bait” which of course we have never stooped to – we reported credible intelligence from an unimpeachable source – of course the rest is consigned to the history book after an estimated 7,056,108 people lost their lives (Source: WHO)

The question for us and you the reader is the the latest outbreak of mPox has been diagnosed outside the African continent, in fact in Sweden; Has the world learned from the Covid pandemic?

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